Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Octopus (ceramic)

This piece was super fun to do and i got my inspiration from them being such weird animals. This is my reference photo. I liked how the tentacles curled and i have no intention of putting candles in them.

I started off with a big ball of wedged clay and then started roughly creating the body, head, and tenacles. After i got a basic shape then i went in to detail.

The hardest part was shaping the head the way that it would look realistic and not too eggy or ovally, because i dont knoq if you have but if youve ever looked at an octopuses head its not just a plain circle.

The tentacles were also difficult because they were so long and i had to make stools for them to rest on as they dry so they could be formed into spirals. If i didnt have support stools then the weight of the clay wouldve collapsed ontop of itself.

 Im proud of my piece but i hope i dont ruin it with glazing since the colors im going for will need a lot of layering which im not too sure of myself of doing. Yolo