Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Painting midterm

Midterm 5 projects
My first project was a pair of ballet shoes. The principles of design used unclude: contrast, showing value in the lightness and darkness of shading. Movement, depicted by the lines and details that make your eye move around the whole drawing. Emphasis, drawing attention to the middle section of the drawing at first. Its the first place your eyes look at.
The elements used are: value, (shading) line (which defines the principle of movement) texture (details to make realistic)

My second project was a dragon type zebra peacock animal thingymajigger. The principles used for this piece were: contrast in colors, movement with alot of lines and patterns, rhythm depicted by harmony of color choices and patterns used, and balance that shows the piece flows because of the artangement of the whole composition. Overall process took about two weeks but it was fun and i really like shading because it makes pictures pop from depth.
I know the paper is kind of torn in half but the elements include : texture because of the realistic deatils, color because of the varieties chosen, texture because of the dragons body and scales. Overall process was very time consuming because of all the deatils but i ended up being really content with it anyways even if its torn.

My third project was this panda reading a comic book in a tree. 
The principles of design are: movememt because of the lines used to create the project that make your eyes move around the puece, proportion because the comic book is not bigger than the panda, and the tree is also the right size in comparison, emphasis on the pandas face, and balance because neither half of the piece overpowers the other. The elements are: line,form,texture, value. Line in the lines used, texture to show deatils in the fur and bark, value showing contrast, and form because its a 2-D piece. Overall process took a while because of all the lines  i had to make with a paintbrush that was tricky to use because i dipped it in ink which was my first ink painting attempt.

This is my fourth project and the principles are balance because the piece is even, proportion because the otters and fish compare to eachother and the whales are further in the background, and movement with the way the water flows. The elements are color, because i used color, value to give some depth woth lightness and darkness, and texture to show that the watee is flowing. Overall process was really quick because its just a bunch of blue colors with some animals.

My last peoject is a dog sleeping on toilet paper because dogs like tpilet paper i guess. The principles are: proportion because the tp is in comparison to the dog, emphasis on the dogs face, contrast with colors and shading. The elemnts are: texture because of the fur and tp, value because of the depth of shades, color because theres color, line because of the lines on the tp. Overall process was fairly quick and im happy with the outcome.

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